Clara Bellera CINESICINESI is a mobility and transport consultancy based in Barcelona (Spain) that combines sustainable transport planning for the private and public sectors with state-of-the-art international innovation and research within Europe. Through its multidisciplinary team of consultants and experts, CINESI provides expertise in sustainable urban mobility, planning transport systems, transport operators’ assistance and quality management, assessment of the specific transport requirements for different target groups, stakeholder engagement, freight transport and logistics, and analysis of intersectional aspects and their influence on specific mobility needs. In addition, CINESI has also been involved in several research and innovation European programmes such as CIVITAS, URBACT and several EIT Urban Mobility projects.

In SPINE, we will have two main roles. On the one hand, we will support the Las Palmas Living Lab implementation. We will coordinate the local public partners as well as directly contribute to the implementation of some of the solutions. On the other hand, we will be leading Task 6.1 (SPINE Topic Guide and Roadmap to updating SUMPs and SULPs) in Work Package 6, related to policy update. Our mission is to gather all the lessons learnt during the LLs and prepare a Guide so other cities can implement those innovative solutions by including them in their strategic plans.

CINESI has supported the participation of the city of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria in previous European projects involving pilots, collaborating with the public companies in charge of the urban bus network and the public bike and micromobility sharing systems. In addition, our relationship with CARNET in other European programmes made them think of us and the city of Las Palmas to be one of the Leading Cities for the SPINE project during the proposal stage. Indeed, the aim of the project fit perfectly with the needs and objectives of the city and quickly decided to become involved in the proposal and the project.

One of the main areas of specialization of CINESI has always been public transportation. On the one hand, we offer technical assistance to many public transport operators at a local and regional level and support them with network planning, quality management and users’ satisfaction among others. On the other hand, we carry out mobility projects and studies involving public transportation on a daily basis.

SPINE’s vison to accelerate the progress towards climate neutrality by reinforcing PT systems through their smart integration with new mobility services and active modes and by improving user satisfaction will result in new solutions, ideas and successful strategies to be replicated in other cities and contexts. CINESI’s involvement in the development of such project will enable the intelligence learned to be fed directly into new projects.

In SPINE, we will have two main roles. On the one hand, we will support the Las Palmas Living Lab implementation. We will coordinate the local public partners as well as directly contribute to the implementation of some of the solutions. On the other hand, we will be leading Task 6.1 (SPINE Topic Guide and Roadmap to updating SUMPs and SULPs) in Work Package 6, related to policy update. Our mission is to gather all the lessons learnt during the LLs and prepare a Guide so other cities can implement those innovative solutions by including them in their strategic plans.

SPINE’s project will let us experience efficient solutions for fostering public transport and for integrating it with emerging mobility solutions as well as non-pollutant transport modes. The knowledge obtained will allow the replication of such strategies in other cities and regions. In the end, this will contribute to the ultimate objective of improving people’s lives and achieving climate neutrality in European cities.