Makis KouloumbisI am Juan Angarita, a scientific researcher at Aimsun and a member of the Research Projects team. I am also a systems engineer with background and experience in applied research, R&I grants preparation, and project management. I have a background in Machine Learning (ML), AutoML, System Thinking, and Systems Dynamics applied to different Intelligent Transportation Systems applications. I joined the Aimsun team in February.

My role in the SPINE project is to provide support in leading WP3 and all the activities in which Aimsun is involved. This WP is focused on designing and developing the digital enablers of SPINE mobility solutions.

Aimsun has been deeply involved in participating in and contributing to different EU and UK-funded R&D programmes. Through our dedicated Research Projects team, we have built an extensive network of collaborators and partners to work actively in different transportation areas. These include for example micro, meso and macroscopic traffic simulation, transport network management, safety assessment, CAV impacts, public transport and demand-responsive transportation.

This background allowed us to find and collaborate with like-minded partners that share the common vision of making public transport a predominant means of transportation, which can be more accessible, safer, greener and efficient.

SPINE will allow us to enhance Aimsun’s traffic simulation software for mobility management through the ability to work with public transport operators and integrate new algorithms like cargo hitching and passenger behavioural models.

Aimsun leads WP3 – digital enablers of SPINE mobility solutions and Task 3.2. Digital impact assessment models, in close collaborations with other SPINE partners. Here we will focus on developing different simulation models of public transport and multimodal solutions.

In addition, we are working side-by-side with the project coordination team and all the cities involved in SPINE, especially those that will be testing the digital enablers. The aim is to design and deliver digital solutions that fulfill the objectives set up by the cities towards improving public transport in EU countries.

As WP3 leaders, we aim to develop functional and reliable digital enablers that support the enhancement of public transport in the leading and twinning cities involved in the project. Additionally, as Task 3.2 leaders, we envision the development of new modules for integrated public transport management in traffic simulation software. This way, we will deliver a modelling platform that simulates future public transport patterns and scenarios.