Lidija Pavic-RogosicMy name is Lidija Pavic-Rogosic, director of ODRAZ-Sustainable Community Development, which is a Croatian civil society organisation established in 2000. Before that, I worked at the Croatian Ministry of Environmental Protection and Physical Planning and at international organisations dealing with environmental protection and civil society development. I have been a member ofuropean Economic and Social Committee (EESC) since 2013.

An architect by profession, with a post-graduate degree in Practice of Social Change from the Social Policy Department at London Metropolitan University, I am active in the field of sustainable/urban-rural development and mobility issues.  I received a life award for the contribution to CIVITAS initiative from the DG Move.

Within SPINE project, I will be a main contact point, with the role of guiding and supporting ODRAZ’s team in designing and implementing activities, including communication with City of Sibenik and other partners, as well as presenting activities and achievements at different events.

ODRAZ is one of the founders of sustainable urban mobility network CIVINET Slovenia-Croatia-SEE and since the establishment of the Network 10 years ago, we serve as a Secretariat.  We have been participated in different EU initiatives and projects dealing with sustainable urban mobility. Through that, we have been cooperated with different organisations, including CIVINET Greece-Cyprus, which invited us to join the SPINE consortium, which we gladly accepted.

Besides us, City of Sibenik is also SPINE partner. City is active member of our CIVINET network and we are glad that we can jointly design and implement sustainable mobility measures there. The experience that we will gained through project, learning and collaborating with excellent consortium will give us valuable experience that we can share with Network members. Our CIVINET gathers more than 220 members from six countries, including some 80 cities, ministries, universities, civil society experts, business, institutes and experts. Through events that we will organises, as well as through our info-channels, we shall inform members about SPINE activities and achievements.

Our main role is assisting City of Sibenik in twining activities, designing and implementing activities in the city, mainly in the area of public participation, including living labs and organising campaigns. Besides, we will also participate in other activities planned within the project, knowledge exchange, communication and dissemination activities.

Based on our previous experience with Horizon collaborative projects, we expect to learn from other involved cities and partners about their good and innovative practices, but also to jointly develop set of activities that will help all partners to grow further and serve their communities to be better places for living and working, more equitable, inclusive and with good quality of life for all citizens. And of course, friendly for the environment and prosperous economic development.