

  • 05.11.2024
  • Barcelona

Cities today face increasingly complex challenges, from worsening traffic congestion and rising greenhouse gas emissions to the urgent need for more efficient and sustainable urban mobility systems. Traditional, isolated approaches to mobility and logistics are no longer sufficient to tackle these issues. This interactive session brings together representatives from five leading projects—SYNCHROMODE, FOREMAST, DISCO, SPINE, and CLEVER—to discuss how a synchronized, multimodal approach can offer innovative solutions to these pressing challenges. By integrating advanced traffic management, zero-emission freight, urban logistics, and climate-neutral public transport, the session will explore how cities can transform fragmented systems into coordinated, efficient networks. Challenges and opportunities will be discussed concerning synchronizing different transport modes, managing real-time data, and scaling these solutions across diverse cities through data-proven emission calculations. Ultimately, this session will highlight how synchronized solutions not only improve transport efficiency but also create more resilient cities capable of adapting to disruptions, reducing emissions, and enhancing the quality of life for residents.

Session aim and foreseen outcomes:

The goal of this session is to provide cities with a clear understanding of how a synchronized, multimodal approach to urban mobility and logistics can help address key challenges such as traffic congestion, pollution, and rising greenhouse gas emissions. Through an interactive discussion, we will explore how the coordination of innovative solutions from five leading projects—SYNCHROMODE, FOREMAST, DISCO, SPINE, and CLEVER— can drive tangible improvements in urban environments. The session will also emphasize the importance of collaboration between stakeholders, from public authorities to private enterprises, to fully unlock the potential of these innovations.

Key outcomes:

  • Increased awareness of how synchronized, multimodal transport systems can provide solutions for achieving sustainable urban mobility.
  • A clear understanding of how cities can integrate advanced traffic management, zero-emission freight transport, and collaborative logistics platforms within smart city frameworks.
  • Identification of key challenges and opportunities for scaling these solutions across other urban regions.
  • Practical insights for policymakers and city planners on the benefits of adopting climate-neutral public transport and logistics systems to meet urban sustainability and climate goals.
Agenda (approximate timings, speaker flow, speaker names and speaker topics):
14:00 – 14:05: Introduction by the Moderator
  • Overview of the session theme and objectives
  • Introduction of the panelists and their projects

Paola Chiarini (TBC) – Policy Officer at DG MOVE – Research and Innovative Transport Systems at European Commission


14:05 – 14:35:  Interactive panel discussion
Representatives from the SYNCHROMODE, FOREMAST, DISCO, SPINE, and CLEVER projects will discuss the key challenges and opportunities related to:

  • Synchronizing diverse transport innovations for smarter cities: Each representative will explain how their project—whether it’s advanced traffic management, automated freight, or emission tracking—contributes to a cohesive, synchronized urban mobility framework. The panel will explore how these innovations, when combined, lead to greater efficiencies and sustainability for cities.
  • Coordinated mobility through real-time data and smart logistics: The panel will explore how real-time data and intelligent logistics management—such as SYNCHROMODE’s advanced traffic management tools and DISCO’s multifunctional data space and digital twins—can enhance urban mobility efficiency and reduce emissions. The discussion will focus on how cities can use these technologies to dynamically respond to congestion, adjust to demand peaks, and handle traffic incidents, creating more adaptive and resilient transport systems.
  • Integrating zero-emission mobility with public and private transport systems: This segment will focus on how to seamlessly integrate zero-emission mobility with urban public transport and private mobility options. The discussion will explore how cities can incorporate both freight and passenger zero-emission solutions, highlighting SPINE’s work on climate-neutral public transport freight and the automated vessels from FOREMAST for logistics. The session will address the practical challenges of implementing these innovations while reducing congestion and emissions, helping cities transition to cleaner, more sustainable urban mobility.
  • Scaling synchronized solutions across Europe: Panelists will share insights on the challenges and opportunities of scaling these solutions to diverse urban contexts across Europe. Discussion will focus on how cities can adopt and adapt synchronized mobility approaches, the role of local governance, and the collaboration needed among public and private actors.
14:35 – 14:45: Audience engagement
Audience will have ample opportunities to actively participate in the discussion by providing input through the interactive Slido and join the conversation by posing questions or offering their insights.
Booth sessions:
  • The session will take place at the booth
  • Session formats:
    • Roundtable discussion
    • Short presentations of project representative including short discussion round with session partners and Q&A
  • Include interactive / networking part into the session, include the audience, either at the beginning or at the end of the session. If you need support with creating the interactive part, please contact us (
  • Encourage questions from the audience handled by the moderator and prepared moderator questions in case of lack of audience questions.
  • We suggest limiting the panel to max 4/5 speakers + moderator (5 chairs on mini stage is maximum.)
  • Focus on the work of the projects on the ground, give real insights on what solutions and actions make a difference and point out recommendations for other stakeholders, come into conversation with the audience on their perspectives.
  • Audience: visitors interested in the joint EC representation at the Fair, project partners, associated initiatives, cities, companies; participants are interested in EU projects and activities and most likely have knowledge about the work of specific projects and initiatives present.